
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Holiday Recap

Now to catch up just a little bit:

While a mere 2 inches may cause 30+ people to abandon their cars on the side of the highway Snowmageddon 2010 didn't us from getting out and visiting family over Thanksgiving. It was great to be out and be with family and friends we rarely see.

The Husband and I need to get better at White Elephant parties (anyone need a OU grill?)

Christmas was great. Family, food, wine, Scrabble. The husband got me a Magic Bullet (I think my green monster habit – using the whole blender might have been getting to him) and an amazing new digital camera. Day after Christmas myself, my mom, and my grandmother all hiked Pinnacle Peak in AZ. (see – good camera!)

New Years was low key which is personally how I like it. Now on to the fun part – viva la revolution! Or Resolution…I've typically been one of those people who if I make a resolution my Valentine's Day I'm on to something new or different and when I want to accomplish something I just get out there and do it regardless of the time of year. So to keep in line with who I am these are some pretty loose objectives for the year.

Run More

See previous post regarding why I thought I hated running and then learned I hate running in the same scenery without water or music.

I have decided I enjoy running, I may not love it yet – but its still early and every time I go out I enjoy it a bit more. For the last year I have been playing around with the idea of running a half-marathon well now seems about a good time to start working toward that. So time to buck up and get going – now which run to run? Any recommendations?

Worry Less

I am by my nature a planner. I plan most everything – and I plan well. I have a spreadsheet or list or budget for just about everything (and its typically color coded). I plan meals/grocery shopping, workouts, travel, finances, work, projects etc.

However for some reason I still allow myself to worry. I'm not sure how I will worry a little less this year other than to trust myself a bit more. I've identified the variables and thought of contingency plans so what else is there to worry about?

Speaking of worries prior to the Holidays I realized I needed to take a little break from the scale – I was letting the number get the best of me and tracking what I ate and did at a level that made me feel uncomfortable (backstory on weight loss at a later date). So for two plus weeks I have been just listening to my body. And I have to say I’m feeling very free, happy, and comfortable (and my pants are even a little roomy). I think this may really be me living a healthy sometimes indulgent life - and less worries

Overall it was a great Holiday season!

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