
Friday, January 28, 2011

Race and Overcast

Ah Again I let myself get remiss with posting. I am happy to report that I have stayed true to my 5 workouts a week and regular runs/what I am calling my pre-training schedule as well as eating mostly healthy - a few too many beers after a trip to a local brewery with some friends last weekend but the food choices were good and that's part of living ones life, right?

Though I must admit - a good portion of the lack of recent posts I blame primarly on the gray. While most of the country has been hit by Snowmagedon 2011 I have been stuck in the temperate overcast which most find unobtrusive however something happens to me and the general lack of vitamin D, it just sinks this sad feeling into me that spring will never come - at least my full spectrum light helps.

Back to the running - Yesterday the English Patient and I went for a run - just a short 2.3 miles but happily at a 10 minute mile pace or 9:36 - yes two gals with Finance and Accounting backgrounds couldn't figure out exact pacing. Eh well, a run is a run! Also we are both working to the same goals - an upcoming race. Yes that's right I have signed up for my first ever half marathon and first race in several...several years.

Time to Rock and Roll baby!!

After quizzing some friends/co-workers etc. about up coming local races I've settled on the Seattle Rock and Roll half-marathon. Actually I settled on it at the beginning of the month but for some reason I have been reluctant to post about it - perhaps I'm nervous, scared, excited. But I will do it! And according some training plans I have oodles of time. But I haven't been wasting any time.

With regard to my last post the turkey chili turned out great! After having a new type of chili I adapted my usual recipe and the result was pretty good if I do say so myself.

Serves 6 (Dinner sized bowls)
In the mix:
1T Olive Oil
20oz Lean Ground Turkey
1 small onion, chopped
1 small green bell pepper, chopped
1 15oz can Kidney beans (drained and rinsed)
1 15oz can Pinto beans (drained and rinsed)
2 15oz cans diced tomatoes
Chili Powder
Cayanne Pepper
Garlic Powder

In a stock pot saute onion and bell pepper in olive oil over medium high heat for 5-7 minutes. Next add the ground beef and cook over medium high head until browned, another 6-8 minutes - add seasoning to desired amounts - I'm really bad about using measuring spoons for spices, I'm much more of a spice, taste, repeat when it comes to recipes I've made up. Next add beans and tomatoes, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes. There it is Turkey Chili!

More next time :)

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