Overall - this was a pretty good Sunday. Started out with a pot of coffee and a whole wheat Eggo with Adams All Natural Peanut Butter and half a banana. Followed by a 3 mile run exploring yet another new neighborhood. This time I didn't really map my run before taking off and instead just let the map my run app on my phone do the work. Very glad I wore gloves as opposed to last Sunday where I am pretty sure my fingers almost froze off.
Lunch afterward was a good use of leftovers I thought - leftover spicy turkey burger (will share the recipe another time) in half a pita with hummus lettuce and a couple clementines. Also had the Husbands leftover salad from our teriyaki lunch yesterday - he never eats it.
P.S. That Guiness glass is full of ice tea :)
This was followed by getting very upset with the Football playoff game and in the 4th quarter I decided making cookies was a better use of time. The husband had mentioned our lack of dessert options in the house and Chocolate Chip cookies just happen to be my specialty - if I have a specialty that is.
This right here is possibly the best stocking stuffer I have ever gotten as I have a knack for burning myself while cooking/baking etc.
The secret is...truly cream the butter - and use bread flour.
Dinner was inspired by a post by Tina over at Carrots N Cake. The honey roasted root veggies turned out great. That there on the right is a simply seared and roasted pork tenderloin brushed with mustard garlic and wine while roasting.
Mmmmm... very tasty
And plenty for leftovers. Laundry, running, baking, cookie - all in all a pretty productive Sunday. Now for a cookie and a glass of milk to finish in my evening - and then time to cuddle up with the Husband, cat, and Netflix instant queue.
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